Android: Just go to Google play store and install HiroMacro. It is a Macro/autoclicker
Phone Needs to be rooted
Apple: I know a great method for jail broken Apple devices to maximize AppTrailers Profit. It earns about $3/day and I have been using it for a while:
Leave It Going For A Couple Of Hours And You Should Top Out At 3390 Points, Or $3.39!
- First, get AppTrailers on your iPod, iPhone, or iPad.
- Then, go to Cydia and download FLEX, FastForward, Nitrous, and Veency.
- On your computer, downloadKLICK HERE and KLICK HERE.
- After that, go to Settings -> Wi-Fi -> Click on the i next to your selected Wi-Fi network and copy down the IP Address. We will need that for later.
- Go into the Flex app that you just downloaded and click on the cloud icon -> scroll down until you see AppTrailers -> install "AppTrailers No View Limit", "Detect Jailbreak", and "Points". Then go to the list (first) tab and check all of the patches you just installed.
- Now, go into FastForward. Scroll down until you see the AppTrailers App and turn it on. Then click on Settings and set the Playback Rate to 30.
- Almost Done! Open up UltraVNC Viewer and Free Mouse Auto Clicker on your computer. Set the Auto Clicker to 15 seconds. On the UltraVNC Viewer, input your IP Address into where it says VNC Server and click SLOW on the Quick Options. Then click connect.
- Click Accept on the popup on your phone. Now open app trailers and open a Web App video.
- On your computer, start the Auto Clicker and hover your mouse over the watch now button.
This is a copy and paste from Reddit so before you all get pissed at me, I gave credit to the original poster. Not trying to get refs. but I just wanted to share with you guys.
It took me about 5 minutes to set up and the instructions are above.
You should also adjust the playback number so that it works with your internet and phone. Mine was around 20ish for it to run smoothly.
This is against the TOS but the OP said that he has been running it for a while and nothing happened to him so I'm assuming it's somewhat safe.
If you get banned:
Uninstall app > install it again > use different paypal and facebook
credit :
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