Tutorial :
1. Daftar di link reff + bonus 0.0001 btc : https://coins.id/m/join/zo1mmu (wajib daftar lewat browser dan pake link disamping supaya dapet bonus nya)
2. Masukan email & password > verif email
3. Verif no hp (jika error klik skip)
4. Verif selfie (klik no thanks)
5. Cari menu limit & verification
6. Phone verification (verifikasi no hp)
7. Identity verification (wajib lewat browser JANGAN dari app di PlayStore) :
- Pilih This is my first coins account, next
- General : Isi data diri
- Source of funds : Self-employed
Pilih salah satu jenis pekerjaan di bawah ini :
Company name : Online Shop
Occupation : Selling mobile phone
Nature/bussines pilih : Electronic
Company name : Bookstore
Occupation isi : Selling book
Nature/bussines pilih : Education
- Isi Alamat lengkap
- Pilih indonesian Nasional id (KTP) > isi no ktp > jangan lupa diisi expired datenya bagi yg KTP nya belum berlaku seumur hidup > upload KTP depan & belakang, foto KTP nya harus jelas, tidak gelap dan tidak buram
- Bagi yang gamau pake KTP bisa pake SIM pilih driver lincense (SIM) > isi data2 nya sampe beres jangan lupa isi expired datenya, foto SIM harus jelas, tidak gelap dan tidak buram
8. Selfie verification : upload selfie seperti biasa, harus jelas mukanya, tidak gelap dan tidak buram
*Untuk yg kesulitan upload selfie bisa lewat app, Download dulu app Coins.ph wallet di PlayStore > log-in dan upload selfie lewat app itu.
*Untuk address & business verification TIDAK PERLU di verif.
*Verifikasi akun 1-3 hari.
Klik icon chat (di pojok kanan bawah) agar cepat di verifikasi tulis : "hello, please verify my account thank you"
*Agan akan mendapatkan reward sebesar 0.002 BTC atau setara 70ribuan setelah akun agan telah di verifikasi identity dengan selfie nya
As stated by Stanford Medical, It is indeed the SINGLE reason this country's women get to live 10 years more and weigh on average 19 kilos lighter than us.
ReplyDelete(Just so you know, it is not about genetics or some secret diet and EVERYTHING to do with "HOW" they are eating.)
BTW, I said "HOW", not "what"...
TAP on this link to determine if this little test can help you decipher your real weight loss possibility